Business Directory

A place to find that Plumber, Carpenter, Accountant or (dare I say) even a Web Designer :)
Please don't use this for advertising items for sale; it is for plying your trade.
Read the first message in the forum for how to use it.

Moderators: Chris_in_LA, lakespfc, Admin, General Mods

Forum rules
Please don't use this forum for advertising items for sale; it is for plying your trade. So, if you have a business that you think others on here might just be looking for; add a topic.

To make it easier to search, please use the following format for the subject line: "BUSINESS TYPE: LOCATION: One Liner" e.g. "INTERIOR DESIGN: Bournemouth: Specialising in home make-overs". Then put your full details in the body of the topic.
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