Britains Got Talent - A Plea!

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Britains Got Talent - A Plea!

Post by Kingofstar »

It appears Britains Got Talent is holding auditions. Please, does anyone else think we need to get PiB to reprise his famous Gold appearance?

Its what the nation needs!

(anyone got the youtube somewhere?)
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Re: Britains Got Talent - A Plea!

Post by 1G18 »

My wife has tickets for the London auditions on Feb 7th, but it turns out that despite having a ticket she still has queue from as early as possible (minimum 2 hours) in the freezing cold and even then she is not guaranteed entry. Auditions start at 1pm and the finish time is 'approx' 6pm. I was initially interested but when we read the small print we decided against it, I don't mind a two hour 'check in' for a plane to somewhere nice and sunny but hours of standing around to watch a handful of largely talentless desperados isn't my idea of a good use of a day off. :wink:
Guernsey Blue
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Re: Britains Got Talent - A Plea!

Post by Guernsey Blue »

Kingofstar wrote:It appears Britains Got Talent is holding auditions. Please, does anyone else think we need to get PiB to reprise his famous Gold appearance?

Its what the nation needs!

(anyone got the youtube somewhere?)
It's in here, but I can't get the video to play. Might just be my work PC though. ... 10&t=63541
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Re: Britains Got Talent - A Plea!

Post by ddavis »

Kingofstar wrote:It appears Britains Got Talent is holding auditions. Please, does anyone else think we need to get PiB to reprise his famous Gold appearance?

Its what the nation needs!

(anyone got the youtube somewhere?)
Oh I hope he does, if only so we can see him throw a strop :D
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Re: Britains Got Talent - A Plea!

Post by 1G18 »

Not playing here either.
past memories
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Re: Britains Got Talent - A Plea!

Post by past memories »

This Video is private !

See if Lakes still has the original.
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Re: Britains Got Talent - A Plea!

Post by Lost in Transportation »

Watching wheels spin and dust settle.
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Re: Britains Got Talent - A Plea!

Post by Ronnie Pander »

Lost in Kate's Tinsel wrote:
God, I missed so much in absentia.

Quite simply...w.t.f?
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Re: Britains Got Talent - A Plea!

Post by Chris_in_LA »

Just had a brief communication with PiB (John) and he would like to tell you all to enjoy your fun 'n frolics at his expense, but as to when and if the Gold Man returns, you'll just have to wait and see and Play Up Pompey, Pompey Play Up.

What a nice polite chap says I. :D
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Re: Britains Got Talent - A Plea!

Post by clairewanderingaimlessly »

Well Lucy has bought a base guitar, she also bought the b/f one , we already have a keyboard, and boderhan drum and Vic has a guitar so we are thinking of starting our own little band!

I am only joking we are waiting for Lucy to say the guitar can go to the loft with all the other white elephants :x
past memories
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Re: Britains Got Talent - A Plea!

Post by past memories »

clairewanderingaimlessly wrote:Well Lucy has bought a base guitar, she also bought the b/f one , we already have a keyboard, and boderhan drum and Vic has a guitar so we are thinking of starting our own little band!

I am only joking we are waiting for Lucy to say the guitar can go to the loft with all the other white elephants :x
Why not put it in the bassment ?
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Re: Britains Got Talent - A Plea!

Post by schmindie »

past memories wrote: Why not put it in the bassment ?
If you've got something left to say, you'd better say it now.
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Re: Britains Got Talent - A Plea!

Post by Here comes AFC »

1G18 wrote:My wife has tickets for the London auditions on Feb 7th, but it turns out that despite having a ticket she still has queue from as early as possible (minimum 2 hours) in the freezing cold and even then she is not guaranteed entry.
Those deals only work if you are relatively near the studios. Living in London I've caught Mock the Week, QI, ......................; but if and when I return Portsmouth way they will end. (For non BBC shows you can pay a premium, about £15 a year per person, and get guaranteed entry)
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