Softwear engineer / programmer required

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Pompey Mike in Suffolk
Billy The Boot Boy
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Softwear engineer / programmer required

Post by Pompey Mike in Suffolk »

Sorry to you all if this is not the correct forum to ask this.

I am Managing Director of a small engineering company that has a bespoke computer system which has been developed over 40+ years. We have, sadly, recently lost our support for the system due to the author unexpectedly passing away.

Are there any engineers that consider they may be suitable for this project?
Pompey Mike in Suffolk
Billy The Boot Boy
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Re: Softwear engineer / programmer required

Post by Pompey Mike in Suffolk »

I notice that I am seeing a number of views without reply. Perhaps, I should explain further that the business is located in Surrey not Suffolk. We are looking for a systems engineer capable of specifying and possibly supplying the equipment to replicate as close as possible to our existing system.

If anyone is interested, I am happy to discuss further
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