The enormous cigarette lighter.

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The Cincinnati Kid
Guy Whittingham
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The enormous cigarette lighter.

Post by The Cincinnati Kid »

2 guys are out fishing.
Nothing is biting so 1 decides to have a smoke but he can't find his lighter.
He asks the other guy if he has a light and is directed to the tackle box which he opens and is surprised to find the biggest cigarette lighter he has ever's at least a foot long.
"Why do you have a lighter this big?" he asks.
"The Genie gave it to me"
Surprised of course he enquires further about the genie and finds out he is in an empty bottle of Jack Daniels at the bottom of the tackle box. He retrieves the bottle, opens it, and out pops the genie who looks incredibly old and feeble.
"Thanks for letting me out" says the genie,in a rather weak voice..."you get one wish"
The guy thinks a moment then declares he would like a million bucks.
There is a clap of thunder, the sky darkens and a tremendous noise fills the air as a million ducks fly overhead.
"I see your old genie is a bit deaf....I asked for a million bucks and he gave me ducks"
"I know...." "...That's how I got the 12 inch Bic."
Div III. Call it what it is.
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